Password Strength Meter

This tool will help you to check your password strength. It's Javascript-based and does not save any passwords.

Time to crack your password:

About this tool

This tool uses jQuery Password Strength Meter and zxcvbn to calculate the password entropy and use it as the score. Through pattern matching and conservative estimation, it recognizes and weighs 30k common passwords, common names and surnames according to US census data, popular English words from Wikipedia and US television and movies, and other common patterns like dates, repeats (aaa), sequences (abcd), keyboard patterns (qwertyuiop), and l33t speak.

How to improve your Passwords easily

With those 3 options, you can quickly improve your passwords by thinking in a passphrase.

  1. Memorize a sentence and use only the 1st letter of each word (or only the second or last). Afterward, change possibly still certain letters into numbers or special characters.
  2. Use a whole sentence as a password or string together different words connected by special characters.
  3. Another option is randomly choosing 5-6 words from the dictionary and separating them with a space.

This results in a password that is easy to remember, easy to type, and difficult for attackers to crack.

Example of converting a weak password to a strong one

With these 7 steps, you can create a strong password:

  1. Use, e.g., the phrase "Open sesame".
  2. Rephrase it to "Oh dear sesame, please open up".
  3. Transform the word "open" to "OPEN".
  4. Change the uppercase letter "O" to "0" (zero).
  5. Replace the whitespaces with hyphens (-) and underscores (_).
  6. Switch the lowercase letter "l" in please with the number "1".
  7. Add an exclamation mark at the end of the passphrase.

This results in the password: 0h-dear-sesame,_p1ease_0PEN_up!

Frequently Asked Questions

Cybersecurity or IT security protects networks, computer systems, and devices from theft or damage to their hardware and software or the data they process and from disrupting or misusing their services and functions. The information is private and business, which may be personal. Overall, cybersecurity is often (but not only) directed against cybercrime. Among the most significant challenges is the lack of global, centralized cybersecurity institutions and global agreements and regulations to detect and combat cybercrime and bring about cyber resilience.
A cyberattack can lead to identity theft, and blackmail attempts on an individual level. Personal data, such as credit card details or family photos, can be stolen. Critical infrastructures, such as power plants, hospitals, and financial service providers, are essential to the functioning of our society. In addition, industrial espionage is one of the most significant risks for companies.
These presentations aim at Analysts, Security Managers, Web Developers, Software Engineers, Administrators, DevOps, DevSecOps, Team Leads, Managers, CISOs, CTOs, and other Executives. The slide decks serve as an introduction and provide knowledge on all aspects of the subject area. To put it straight: Benefit from these online presentations and get more insights into the cybersecurity space.
These presentations introduce the topics and convey the contents in short, concise slides. It is crucial that the contents are as self-explanatory as possible and that the topic areas with the essential information are outlined.
Cybersecurity is a vast field. It is probably impossible to know everything or every detail. For this reason, many more courses will follow in the coming months to ensure the broadest possible coverage.
As you might imagine, cybersecurity is a broad field. Therefore, it is probably impossible to cover everything. It would go beyond the scope to write everything down. Hence, these slide decks are not intended to be exhaustive but will provide a good starting point.